Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pass the oxygen please!

It has happened, I have run out of room for these babies to grow "up" and they must now do the rest of their growing "out". I can feel my baby girl's bum every time I lean forward, pushing against my lungs. It'll be slip-on shoes from here on out, although it's been over a month since I've worn shoes that required tying! I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and will get my belly measured, so we'll see how much I've grown in the last two weeks. I was measuring 35 weeks at 27 1/2 weeks, so we'll see where I'm at now at 29 1/2 weeks!!

On a good note, the babies have been quite active the past few days. Last night when I was laying in bed with my belly sticking up towards the ceiling they were both moving like crazy, and Skip saw my belly moving for the first time. I think it was little weird for him to think that it was our babies making my stomach move, but it was neat for him to see something so cool!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I can't even imagine what it is like to try to bend over or breathe with two little babies in there! Wowza!